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Summer Cocktails + Blossom uCap

Summertime is upon us, and I’ve got a recipe to cure your summertime sadness, and also a great way to use the Blossom Sipping Cap! I was going to make a mojito recipe, but apparently there’s a lime shortage going on. I’ve read about it but I had no clue, until I went to the […]

Recipe – Polenta Primavera

We hope everyone is having a wonderful New Year! Hopefully everyone is sticking to their resolutions so far. Speaking of resolutions, a very common one is the goal to eat healthy. Eating healthy is not as hard as it looks, it just requires some creativity! We set out to create a healthy, yet delicious dish, […]

Recipe – Green with Envy!

Juicing is an incredibly easy way to get your daily vegetable servings! When you add flax, the result is the perfect balanced breakfast. We’ve created this green with envy juice, that is both delicious and nutritious. And of course, this was made possible with the wonderful Blossom Flaxmill, available here.

Recipe – Cinnamon Apple Flax Crumble

Resisting indulgence can be hard, especially if you have a sweet tooth. We’ve always wondered though, is there a way to make something sinfully sweet and still have it be nutritious? Well after some experimenting in the kitchen, it turns out that that is very doable! The resulting recipe is very much like apple pie, […]

Awards & Media – The Late Farmer

Hey all! The bloggers in the Blogger Recipe Challenge, sponsored by Harold Import Co, each received one of our Choco.Nut.Cheese Graters. Rachel over at The Late Farmer seems to really enjoy hers: “I absolutely love this grater and can’t wait to use it again and again! I have been having so much fun with this grater, but for this […]